For sponsors

We are extremely grateful to our sponsors. Their dedicated support enables us to run programs and invest in machines and tools that keep the maker’s spirit alive and well.

A big thank you to our partners

If you’d like to empower talented innovators at Student Project House, please contact the ETH Foundation. Your support could make a world of difference. Thank you!





Become a Sponsor

If you’d like to empower talented innovators at Student Project House, please contact the ETH Foundation. Your support could make a world of difference. Thank you!


Highest visibility, highest impact. Your sponsorship will transform Student Project House for all future generations of talented innovators.


Ensures that you are permanently associated with the future of Student Project House and responsible for projects and ideas that make a difference.


Be a prominent force in ensuring that every student can continue to explore, grow and create uninterrupted.


Join the Student Project House family. Your support can make the extraordinary possible.

Get in touch